Milkman, Lawn Mowing, and Philosophical Musings: A Unique Perspective.
To mow or not? mow mow mow your lawn and take care of it.
Above is the Milkman. What a nice person! A big hello to the head office. Oh and me!
To cut?
I thought I’d draft a book this week, probably about grass. I also planned to play a few games on the PC and take a walk. But no, the lawn looked at me with its overgrown blades. I acknowledged it was in a poor situation. Our Guinea pigs Casper and Twix were not eating as much as in other years; I am just kidding. They’re doing fine, munching away as usual.
or not cut? That is the question.
My Lawn spoke to me, its verdant whispers urging attention. I knew it was time, but April had been cold and wet. There is a lot of peer pressure with lawns. What it comes down to is, wet or not so wet. It is possible to offset some wetness. I would consider adjusting the height settings on a lawn mower. This can raise the blades and prevent cutting the grass too short. This topic has been controversial over the years. People have wanted the grass to be cut short right away.
With a sharp blade for a clean cut, do the first cut high.
It is so true; this one thing helps to avoid clumping in the mower and promotes growth. Grass needs time to acclimate to the conditions. It has been asleep for a while with only occasional growth spurts when the temperature allows.
Here are examples of different height settings, with the one above representing the higher setting.
Above is the lower setting.
From lawnmowing to: Outside my door, there’s a milkman. Here is a link to a :Modern Milkman Blog. Sounded fun and interesting.
The door knocker strongly bashed my front door. This happened before I looked in my shed for the strimmer. I was almost afraid to open it. I didn’t need an excuse to avoid going to the shed. Still, I wanted to know who was behind door no. 1.
As thoughts raced through my mind, I realised the need to check the oil and fuel levels of my petrol lawnmower. However, I then recognized that my lawn was too small to warrant such a large machine, and I reassured myself that a Flymo would be more appropriate. At least my subconscious was focused on safety, reminding me to ensure that the petrol engine and moving parts were secure and intact to prevent any breakage. This was a precaution, not an afterthought. And amidst these considerations, I wondered, who could be at the door as I opened it?
All of this became apparent as I opened the door. To use a gardening metaphor, he was like a plant that had been mistakenly placed on the expansive lawn of my doorstep.
At the front door was a door-to-door milkman—a genuinely nice person. My Gardener’s assumption was that he also was looking for nourishment and he also wanted my custom. He conversed pleasantly, asking whether I would like my dairy products delivered. I politely declined. I was also a bit inclined, for his efforts, to be supportive.
The Modern Milkman is the app they use.
Being self-employed is not easy. As I wished him well for the future, I gently closed the door. It didn’t seem necessary for me to stay. He has his role in society; we still need milk delivery, but it’s not an essential part of my own life. Sometimes, all you can offer is respect.
Mowing the weeds helps keep them at bay. It weakens them, allowing the grassroots to grow stronger. This makes the lawn healthier. Daisies look nice if the lawn is allowed to grow longer. It’s as if the lawn is saying, “I’m still beautiful.” I want to clarify, though: the milkman is in no way like the weeds.
Mowing the lawn is not merely a task. It’s a philosophical debate or it is now!
An art form for thoughts, who dares to say the wise words “not my problem mate.” not man nor beast if you have a lawn. Not even a guinea pig thinks a lawn does not need a chomping upon it. To Mow or not to mow, is the only question in April that needs to be asked.
whether tis nobler to suffer slings and arrows from the lovely wife.
The inconsistent long length that could drive you crazy, well, only an amateur dramatics production would know. Here is my adaptation: take arms against a sea of weeds by opposing them and trim the edges. Yet no matter how you put it the answer is always the same, Mow it, am I right?
Then you are the Monet of the meadows, sipping tea in serene satisfaction.
Get it right and you could be tea-drinking by noon.
Botching the job is not hard. Fail and you’re the goalie who let the ball slip through – grass clippings everywhere a greenery fiasco! So, remember the key to a neat lawn is like the key to humour: timing, precision, execution and maybe just maybe a little laughter at the absurdity of it all at the end!
Best wishes Tom
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