Seasonal Reflection

Stepping into a garden where autumn paints a masterpiece.

Stepping into a garden of Autumn nostalgia

Autumn nostalgia, where gardens paint their old masterpiece. Welcome to my imagination, autumn wonderland. Autumn, where leaves dance their farewell waltz and nature’s palette transforms our gardens into a symphony of warm tones. Fiery colours and the crisp air slowly creep in a subtle chill, reminding us that thermal socks are almost needed. As if

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Good old Daffodils – I can recommend them to everyone.

Daffodils they’re good for looks. Daffodils are cultivated for their bright beauty, symmetry, size, and of course, their stunning colours, which plant breeders have enhanced over time. March brings us one step closer to summer, even though it is still a way off. Nevertheless, we can appreciate the beauty of the ancient daffodil. Usually yellow or slightly whitish, the center is frequently a richer colour. It’s like a storefront window luring consumers, but as time has gone by the streets grow bare of fragrance, excitement, and less lure to visit. Funny, because this reminds me

Good old Daffodils – I can recommend them to everyone. Read More »

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